Brief Summary of Second Language Acquistion Theory, Based on Krashen Work in 1982
The Mechanics of a "Native-Like" Accent & Prononciation
Basque: The story of the oldest language in Western Europe
The Illusion of Finite Knoweldge
Ulpan: The Nexus of Identity, Culture, and Language in Israel
Closed Improvisation: Learning Implementation
A Minimalistic Approach to Language Learning
How to Learn New Words and Stop Forgetting: The Lingo Franca Protocol
How Many Languages Can One Speak?
Living Sequential Expression: The Best Language Learning Method Today?
How Language Influence The Way We Think
Introduction to Language Learning Strategies
What is Language Coaching (and How You Can Benefit from it)
The Partial only and to-be-edit-later Language Learning Guide
The greatest language learning app the world has never seen
Thoughts and Questions about Learning in a Vacuum & Direct Learning
416 Words Against Pedagogical Ignorance